Page Information

Welcome to our home page.
If you like it, you should add to your bookmaks.

¡Our home page adopted for all family.
Please come on in here frequntly.

¡Please send mail to us.

¡You can link free our home page.

¡Our family's symbol mark is UFO. It means Uchida Family Original.


  U U U
Copyright (C) 1996 Yasuo Uchida

I lile rabbit.

 n  n
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 JllL     Copyright (C) 1996  Miho Uchida

@I like crawfish.

       v  v     Crawfish
    uuu         Copyright (c) 1996 Yuuta Uchida
I like bear.
  ()_()     Bear
D==   ==D   
   JTTL     Copyright (C) 1996 Ai Uchida

¡About backbround images

¡Our Home Page URL is

¡Page author
@Yasuo Uchida, Miho Uchida, Yuuta Uchida

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