If you want to install this applet in your pages, you have one possibilities:
You do this by unpacking jeyes.zip
on your site preferably in the same directory with the HTML file that contains
the downloading code:
<APPLET code="JEyes.class" height="200" width="280">
<PARAM name="strTop" value="New">
<PARAM name="urlTop" value="http://www.uchidas.com/news/news_j.html">
<PARAM name="strBottom" value="Mail">
<PARAM name="urlBottom" value="mailto:javaeye@uchidas.com">
<PARAM name="strLeft" value="Family">
<PARAM name="urlLeft" value="http://www.uchidas.com/family/family_j.html">
<PARAM name="strRight" value="Links">
<PARAM name="urlRight" value="http://www.uchidas.com/yasuo/links/links.html">
<PARAM name="R" value=255>
<PARAM name="G" value=175>
<PARAM name="B" value=175>
sorry, your browser doesn't like java...
Change the parameter that link to URLs and applet's color.