A seminar of JavaScript
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<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 1</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> document.write("Hello JavaScript"); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 2</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> /* This is a JavaScript's comment, */ // This is a JavaScript's comment, too. <!-- document.write("This is a JavaScript's string.<P>") //--> </SCRIPT> This is a HTML's string. </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 3</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var a = 5; var b = 3; document.write("a+b=", a + b, "<BR>") document.write("a-b=", a - b, "<BR>") document.write("a*b=", a * b, "<BR>") document.write("a+b=", a / b, "<BR>") </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 4</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var year = 1996; document.write(year, "is a "); if((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)) document.write("leap year."); else document.write("common year."); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 5</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var s = 0; for(i = 1; i <= 10; i++) s += i; document.write("1+...+10=", s); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 6</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> document.write("The multiple table<P>"); document.write("<TABLE BORDER=1><TR ALIGN=RIGHT>"); for(i = 1; i <= 9; i++){ for(j = 1; j <= 9; j++) document.write("<TD>", i * j, "</TD>"); document.write("</TR><TR ALIGN=RIGHT>"); } document.write("</TABLE>"); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 7</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function add(x, y){ return x + y; } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> document.write("5+3=", add(5, 3)) </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 8</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function gcm(x, y){ while(y != 0){ r = x % y; x = y; y = r; } return x; } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var a = 36; var b = 24; document.write("GCM(a, b) = ", gcm(a, b)); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 9</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> for(var p in navigator) document.write(p + ": " + navigator[p] + "<BR>"); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 10</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> document.write("appName: " + navigator.appName + "<BR>"); document.write("appVersion: " + navigator.appVersion + "<BR>"); document.write("appCodeName: " + navigator.appCodeName + "<BR>"); document.write("userAgent: " + navigator.userAgent + "<BR>"); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 11</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function MakeArray(n){ this.length = n; } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var data = new MakeArray(3); for(i = 0; i <= 3; i++) data[i] = i; for(i = 0; i <= 3; i++) document.write("data[", i, "] = ", data[i], "<BR>"); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 12</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function Hex(){ for(i = 0x0; i <= 0xf; i++) this[i] = i; } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var hex = new Hex(); for(i = 0x0; i <= 0xf; i++) document.write(hex[i], "<BR>"); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 13</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function HexChr(){ this[0] = "0"; this[1] = "1"; this[2] = "2"; this[3] = "3"; this[4] = "4"; this[5] = "5"; this[6] = "6"; this[7] = "7"; this[8] = "8"; this[9] = "9"; this[10] = "A"; this[11] = "B"; this[12] = "C"; this[13] = "D"; this[14] = "E"; this[15] = "F"; } function DEC2HEX(dec){ var Hex = new HexChr(); hexStr = Hex[Math.floor(dec / 16)] + Hex[dec % 16]; return hexStr; } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var dec = 160; document.write(dec, " = #", DEC2HEX(dec), "<BR>"); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 14</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> document.write("12345".length, "<P>"); str = "ABCDE"; document.write("<P>", str.substring(1, 3)); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
function HexChr(){ var hexStr = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for(i = 0; i<= hexStr.length; i++){ this[i] = hexStr.charAt(i); } } |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 16</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var now = new Date(); var hour = now.getHours(); var min = now.getMinutes(); if ((hour >= 5) && (hour <= 9)) msg = "Good morning!" ; else if ((hour >= 10) && (hour <= 17)) msg = "Hello!"; else msg = "Good evening."; document.write(msg + "<P>" + "It is "+ hour + ":" + min + "."); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 17</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var year = 1997; var month = 2; var thisMonth = new Date(year, month - 1, 1); var nextMonth = new Date(year, month, 1); days = (nextMonth.getTime() - thisMonth.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); document.write(year + "/" + month + " month is " + days + "days." ); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 18</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM NAME="haiku"> a haiku poem <INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="15" NAME="phrase1"> <INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="20" NAME="phrase2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="25" NAME="phrase3"> </FORM> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> document.haiku.phrase1.value = "The old pond,"; document.haiku.phrase2.value = "Frog jump into,"; document.haiku.phrase3.value = "The sound of water."; </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 19</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM> a haiku poem <INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="15"> <INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="20"> <INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="25"> </FORM> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> document.forms[0].elements[0].value = "The old pond,"; document.forms[0].elements[1].value = "Frog jump into,"; document.forms[0].elements[2].value = "The sound of water."; </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 20</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function dsptime(){ var time = new Date(); document.clock.now.value = time.toLocaleString(); setTimeout('dsptime()', 500) } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM NAME="clock"> Current time <INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="20" NAME="now"> </FORM> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> dsptime(); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 21</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var str = "Welcome to My Home Page!"; var speed = 300; var i = 0; function msgDisp(){ if(i++ < str.length){ document.type.writer.value = str.substring(0, i); } else{ document.type.writer.value = ""; i = 0; } setTimeout('msgDisp()', speed); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM NAME="type"> TYpewriter <INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="30" NAME="writer"> </FORM> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> msgDisp(); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 22</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function space(n){ var spc = ""; for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) spc = spc + " "; return spc; } var msg = "Welcome to My Home Page!"; var str = space(130) + msg + space(msg.length); var repeat = 5 * str.length - msg.length; var speed = 50; function msgDisp(){ str = str.substring(1, str.length) + str.substring(0, 1); window.status = str; if(repeat-- <= 0){ clearTimeout(timeoutID); window.status = ""; } else{ timeoutID = setTimeout('msgDisp()', speed); } } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> </BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> msgDisp(); </SCRIPT> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 23</TITLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function thanks(){ alert("Welcome !"); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM action="mailto:yasuo@uchidas.com" method="POST"> <INPUT type="submit" value="Visitted-button" onClick="thanks()"> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 24</TITLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var index; function res(button){ index = button.value } function thanks(){ if(index == "1") msg = "Thanks !"; if(index == "2") msg = "Please visit again!"; if(index == "3") msg = "I'll stick it."; alert("Thanks for your comments.\n\n" + msg); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM action="mailto:yasuo@uchidas.com" method="POST" onSubmit="thanks()"> Questionary <P> Sex:<INPUT type="radio" name="sex" value="1">male <INPUT type="radio" name="sex" value="2">female <P> Age:<SELECT name="age"> <OPTION>teens <OPTION>twenties <OPTION>thirties <OPTION>fourties <OPTION>fifties <OPTION>sixty and over</SELECT> <P> Please let me know what you think of my Webspace. <INPUT type="radio" name="estimate" value="1" onClick="res(this)">Very Good <INPUT type="radio" name="estimate" value="2" onClick="res(this)">Just OK <INPUT type="radio" name="estimate" value="3" onClick="res(this)">Trash <P> Comments:<BR> <TEXTAREA name="comment" rows="5" cols="50"></TEXTAREA> <P> <INPUT type="submit" value="Send It"><INPUT type="reset" value="Forget It"> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 25</TITLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function HexChr(){ var hexStr = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for(i = 0; i<= 15; i++){ this[i] = hexStr.substring(i, i+1); } } function DEC2HEX(dec){ var hexStr = ""; var Hex = new HexChr(); hexStr = hexStr + Hex[dec % 16]; hexStr = Hex[Math.floor(dec / 16)] + hexStr; return hexStr; } var red = 0xff; var green = 0xff; var blue = 0xff; function redEdit(r){ if((red + r >= 0) && (red + r <= 255)){ red = red + r; document.bgColor = DEC2HEX(red) + DEC2HEX(green) +DEC2HEX(blue); } document.Edit.red.value = DEC2HEX(red); } function greenEdit(g){ if((green + g >= 0) && (green + g <= 255)){ green = green + g; document.bgColor = DEC2HEX(red) + DEC2HEX(green) +DEC2HEX(blue); } document.Edit.green.value = DEC2HEX(green); } function blueEdit(b){ if((blue + b >= 0) && (blue + b <= 255)){ blue = blue + b; document.bgColor = DEC2HEX(red) + DEC2HEX(green) +DEC2HEX(blue); } document.Edit.blue.value = DEC2HEX(blue); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="#ffffff"> <P> Color Editor <FORM NAME="Edit"> R <INPUT type="button" value="--" onClick="redEdit(-0xf)"> <INPUT type="button" value=" - " onClick="redEdit(-0x1)"> #<INPUT name="red" value="FF" size="2"> <INPUT type="button" value=" + " onClick="redEdit(0x1)"> <INPUT type="button" value="++" onClick="redEdit(0xf)"> <P> G <INPUT type="button" value="--" onClick="greenEdit(-0xf)"> <INPUT type="button" value=" - " onClick="greenEdit(-0x1)"> #<INPUT name="green" value="FF" size="2"> <INPUT type="button" value=" + " onClick="greenEdit(0x1)"> <INPUT type="button" value="++" onClick="greenEdit(0xf)"> <P> B <INPUT type="button" value="--" onClick="blueEdit(-0xf)"> <INPUT type="button" value=" - " onClick="blueEdit(-0x1)"> #<INPUT name="blue" value="FF" size="2"> <INPUT type="button" value=" + " onClick="blueEdit(0x1)"> <INPUT type="button" value="++" onClick="blueEdit(0xf)"> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 26</TITLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function jump(url){ location = url.options[url.selectedIndex].value; } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM> Shortcut <SELECT onChange="jump(this)"> <OPTION value="http://www.uchidas.com/">HomePage1 <OPTION value="http://www.uchidas.com/news/news.html">HomePage2 <OPTION value="http://www.uchidas.com/miho/miho.html">HomePage3 <OPTION value="http://www.uchidas.com/yuuta/yuuta.html">HomePage4 <OPTION value="http://www.uchidas.com/ai/ai.html">HomePage5</SELECT> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 27</TITLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var newWin = window.open("","", "WIDTH=140,HEIGHT=180,SCROLLBARS=0,RESIZABLE=0"); newWin.document.clear(); newWin.document.write('<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Homepage Selector</TITLE></HEAD>'); newWin.document.write("<BODY><CENTER>"); newWin.document.write("<FORM NAME=form>") newWin.document.write("Homepage<BR>Selector") newWin.document.write("<P>") newWin.document.write("<TABLE BORDER>") newWin.document.write("<TR>") newWin.document.write('<TD><A HREF="http://www.uchidas.com/" TARGET=main>HomePage1</A></TD>') newWin.document.write("</TR>") newWin.document.write("<TR>") newWin.document.write('<TD><A HREF="http://www.uchidas.com/news/news.html" TARGET=main>HomePage2</A></TD>') newWin.document.write("</TR>") newWin.document.write("<TR>") newWin.document.write('<TD><A HREF="http://www.uchidas.com/miho/miho.html" TARGET=main>HomePage3</A></TD>') newWin.document.write("</TR>") newWin.document.write("<TR>") newWin.document.write('<TD><A HREF="http://www.uchidas.com/yuuta/yuuta.html" TARGET=main>HomePage4</A></TD>') newWin.document.write("</TR>") newWin.document.write("<TR>") newWin.document.write('<TD><A HREF="http://www.uchidas.com/ai/ai.html" TARGET=main>HomePage5</A></TD>') newWin.document.write("</TR>") newWin.document.write("</TABLE>") newWin.document.write('<P></FORM></CENTER></BODY></HTML>') newWin.document.close(); </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 28</TITLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function MakeArray(n){ this.length = n; } function calendar(form){ var tyear = eval(form.editbox1.value) var tmonth = eval(form.editbox2.value) var thisMonth = new Date(tyear, tmonth - 1, 1); var nextMonth = new Date(tyear, tmonth, 1); var wd = thisMonth.getDay(); var maxd = (nextMonth.getTime() - thisMonth.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); var wday = new MakeArray(7); wday[1] = "Sun"; wday[2] = "Mon"; wday[3] = "Tue"; wday[4] = "Wed"; wday[5] = "Thu"; wday[6] = "Fri"; wday[7] = "Sat"; var newwin = window.open("","","WIDTH=300,HEIGHT=200"); newwin.document.clear(); newwin.document.write("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Calendar</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>"); newwin.document.write("<CENTER>", "the year ",tyear, " : the month ",tmonth, "<P>"); newwin.document.write("<TABLE BORDER=1><TR>"); for(c = 1; c <= 7; c++) newwin.document.write("<TH>", wday[c], "</TH>"); newwin.document.write("</TR><TR ALIGN=RIGHT>"); d = 0; for(i=0;i<42;i++){ if(d >= maxd) break; if((i < wd) || (d > maxd)) { newwin.document.write("<TD></TD>"); } else{ d++; newwin.document.write("<TD>", d, "</TD>"); } if((i % 7) == 6) newwin.document.write("</TR><TR ALIGN=RIGHT>"); } newwin.document.write("</TABLE></CENTER></BODY></HTML>"); newwin.document.close(); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM NAME="form"> the year<INPUT name="editbox1" size="5">: the month<INPUT name="editbox2" size="3"> <P> <INPUT type="button" value="Calendar" onClick="calendar(this.form)"> </FORM> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var today = new Date(); document.form.editbox1.value = today.getYear() + 1900; document.form.editbox2.value = today.getMonth() + 1; </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 29</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var date = new Date(); var next= date.getSeconds(); function mult(p, q) { var p1 = 0; var p0 = 0; var q1 = 0; var q0 = 0; p1 = Math.floor(p / 10000); p0 = p % 10000; q1 = Math.floor(q / 10000); q0 = q % 10000; return (((p0 * q1 + p1 * q0) % 10000) * 10000 + p0 * q0) % 100000000; } function random(r) { next = (mult(next, 31415821) + 1) % 100000000; return Math.floor((Math.floor(next / 10000) * r ) / 10000); } for(i = 1; i <= 200; i++){ document.write(random(10) + " "); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> </BODY> </HTML> |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript example 30</TITLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var date = new Date(); var next= date.getSeconds(); function mult(p, q) { var p1 = 0; var p0 = 0; var q1 = 0; var q0 = 0; p1 = Math.floor(p / 10000); p0 = p % 10000; q1 = Math.floor(q / 10000); q0 = q % 10000; return (((p0 * q1 + p1 * q0) % 10000) * 10000 + p0 * q0) % 100000000; } function random(r) { next = (mult(next, 31415821) + 1) % 100000000; return Math.floor((Math.floor(next / 10000) * r ) / 10000); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var atari = 0; var rndnum = random(10); while(atari == 0){ num = prompt("Hit a number!", ""); if(rndnum == num){ msg = "Bingo!"; atari = 1; } else{ msg1 = "Missed!\n"; if(rndnum > num){ msg = msg1 + "greater"; } else{ msg = msg1 + "less"; } } alert(msg); } </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> |
(since Jan 18, 1997)
Copyright (c) 1997 Yasuo Uchida